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One More Chance-He almost had his dream…again

This is an amazing article on how Michael started his climb back to the top in 2003…

Michael Jackson’s ‘One More Chance’ – A Dream that Turned into a Nightmare

Please find the links to the remainder of the article at the end of each page…

Filed in: News • Tuesday, November 30th, 2010


all i can say is wow…….

Talk about depressing… This article made me cry. How unfair is that? First he tries to make a new career for himself in film and the new allegations ruin that. And then he tries to have a concert comeback and he dies…

Ok, just had a late night at work just came home and saw this. I don’t feel like crying right now so I’ll read this on the weekend.

Hey, Thriller turned 28 today! Us PYTs can celebrate that.

Sorry, I forgot to say: DPYT, thx for posting the article; will read soon.

I’m in tears now….WHAT A F@@#$%#@# WASTE!!! That man had sooo much left to do and everything was stolen from him(and the world)!!!!!! I never wanted to say I actually “hate” anyone, but right now, I truly, totally, completely have a burning, deep seated, all consuming hatred of TS……

I have a completely off-topic question – the pic at the top of the page with Mike dancin on the table – where is it from? He looks drop-dead-sexy-gorgeous there…not that he doesn’t in every pic lmaoooo

Just wondering.

Girl where you been…. the new/old video

“One More Chance” they talk about making it in this article.

{{Tiger smashes laptop off the wall in frustration}}

Dammit – blocked in this country…fuck me, what’s the world comin to?! I looked up the One More Chance vid on youtube, all I got was a grainy two-minute version from TMZ which I’m damned sure wasn’t him, or home-made videos made using stills.

I wanna see that sexy ass up on the table…{{bares fangs at the thought}} I didn’t know this vid existed, now it does and I can’t get a half-decent snoke at it.
{{swishes tail and flexes claws}} What a waste.

I read the article. Thx DPYT for bringing it to us.

I guess I don’t want to get to deep into this because the past is the past. I’m sorry he didn’t have anyone to really let his feelings, thoughts, dreams, nightmares, etc. out to and get love & support in return. That’s a friend right? A true friend would have made the ordeals easier to get through but, it is what it is. He had a great life. I don’t think he’s somewhere complaining about it.

TBH, I think the alot of them were upset they couldn’t keep MJ Universe running; not that his life was falling apart. I can’t choose one person to be mad at because I think they all played their part. Hopefully PPB will take up movie making/acting and make their daddy proud.

My favorite part though was the extra who kept screaming when he got on set and she said she was trying to be professional but couldn’t. I understand that girl; LOL girl I understand!

Melissa up top said everything I was thinking and feeling. I read a snippet but couldn’t keep going after reading Dieter saying MJ cried for 2 or 3 days after the new allegations surfaced and he had to be subjected to the NL raids. I can’t think about him going through this, so gentle and sweet and being treated like pure trash, and the worse is just knowing how much he’d do for others, especially the plight of children.

TS should rot in the worst hell, he knows what he did to an innocent man, how he took him away from his CHILDREN for no reason! his children! I really wish I was some hardcore covert op, because if I were the world would never hear from him again. there would be a nice dank room where no one can hear him scream…

It is very unfortunate that Michael’s dream were not brought into fruition due to the wicked devices of some evil forces.

I hesitated reading this article. I read it. Now I know why. My heart aches and the tears just won’t stop


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